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Ways to Manage Screen Time with Kids

While screens are part of our everyday life at homes and in schools, it's important for our health & wellbeing to make sure screen time is adequately managed, especially in children. 

There is a lot of literature about what is considered an "acceptable amount of screen time", however, this will vary depending on each families circumstances and the reason why kids are on their screens. For example, screen time may be used for educational purposes such as completing a homework task or working on a project using a school approved APP, and this will have benefits over purely watching tv shows or social media.

So, whilst it is important to understand what they are doing on their screens and why they are on it, inevitability you will need to manage your children's screen time. Here are several strategies you can use to make it more manageable and effective. Here are some tips:
  1. Set clear rules and a routine: Establish clear rules around screen time, such as when and how long your children are allowed to use electronic devices. Make sure your children understand the rules and the consequences for breaking them.

  2. Lead by example: Set a good example by limiting your own screen time and being present and engaged with your children. This will help reinforce the importance of real-world interactions and show your children that there are other ways to spend their time. 

  3. Encourage other activities: Encourage your children to engage in other activities, such as outdoor play, reading, or creative projects. These activities can help your children develop important skills and interests.

  4. Use parental controls: Use parental controls to limit access to inappropriate content and to set time limits on screen time. Many devices and apps have built-in parental controls, or you can purchase a separate parental control software.

  5. Monitor their usage: Regularly monitor your children's screen time usage and make adjustments as needed. This can help you identify patterns of behavior and make changes to improve their overall well-being.

  6. Communicate with your children: Talk to your children about the risks associated with excessive screen time, such as reduced physical activity, disrupted sleep patterns, and social isolation. Engage them in a dialogue about responsible screen time use and help them understand why it's important to limit their screen time.

    Remember, managing your children's screen time requires ongoing effort and attention, but the benefits of reducing excessive screen time can be significant for their overall health and well-bein
